Yuan Gao
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
- Department of Mathematics, Purdue University
- Email:gao662@purdue.edu
- Find me on Google Scholar or ResearchGate.
- I mainly work on analysis/computations for PDEs from materials sciences, biology, and microfluids. I recently focus on optimal control and Hamilton-Jacobi equations with applications in transition path theory, mean-field limit, large deviation principle and non-equilibrium chemical reactions.
My research is supported by NSF Award DMS-2204288. - PSU-Purdue-UMD Joint Seminar on Mathematical Data Science
Appointments & Affiliations
- Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 2021-Now
- William W. Elliott Assistant Research Professor, Mathematics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences, Duke University, 2019-2021
Research Interests
- PDE analysis and multiscale modeling in materials sciences
- Crystal growth: high order degenerate parabolic equations, singularity characterization, hydrodynamic limit
- Dislocation: vectorial nonlocal Ginzburg-Landau systems, dynamic boundary condition, rigidity, metastability and slow motion
- Numerical analysis and simulations for interface dynamics
- Obstacle problem: contact line dynamics, lubrication approximation, phase field model, nonlocal model, surfactant dynamics, linear response relation
- Applied stochastic analysis and stochastic algorithm
- Reversible/irreversible Langevin dynamics: random walk on point clouds, transition path theory, optimal control, coarse-graining, ergodicity, large deviation, viscosity solution, Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, applications in image processing and sampling
Contact Me
- Email: gao662@purdue.edu
- Phone: 765-496-0056
- Office: Math 410,150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN
- My Profile in Math Department.